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Team Building Program!

Develop, motivate, and improve work relationships through classroom training, and pickleball.


Conflict Resolution, Emotional Intelligence, Family Business
Join us to reshape unruly behaviors that hinder morale, productivity, and profits.

Small businesses, corporations, and governments will identify team challenges in our classroom and then work through those challenges in

real-time while playing pickleball!

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Watch your team become more accountable to each other while having an absolute blast!


Pickleball is the ideal activity to bolster your team's cooperation, collaboration, and communication.


Our ultimate three-part series of pickleball team building offers team members a comprehensive package of how to gain the upper hand in managing the difficult sides of themselves and others.

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Part 1


Understand and Manage Different Personalities
Part 1

You’ll have amazing insights learning DiSC® personality styles and pickleball.


Once your team comprehends the simplicity and predictability of behavioral styles, communication becomes a breeze, and conflict naturally dissipates.

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Join us for a training day of learning pickleball (the fastest-growing team sport in North America)!


We will integrate DiSC®,  a personal assessment tool used by more than one million people annually, to help improve workplace teamwork and productivity. 


Guaranteed to bring invaluable awareness which will help change how your people interact with each other!



Training and Team Building

  • Pickleball introduction 

  • Introduction to DiSC® 

  • Facilitated pickleball team building activity includes DiSC® related team problem-solving 

  • Open pickleball play 

  • Includes a DiSC® Workplace or Management Assessment, pickleball paddle/ball per person


Book Your Team Building Today With

*Team size will influence the actual layout of the day and pricing

A Training Day Session

Team challenges surface within minutes on a pickleball court!

-Pamela Cournoyer

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Part 2


Empower Teams to Work Better Together
Part 2
Join us for an exciting training day of
Pickleball Team Building

Where teams learn ways to manage themselves and others through

“The Empowerment Dynamic,”

a long-term solution to everyday workplace drama.

Training, Coaching, Speaking, Pickleball Team Building

The second in the Pickleball Team Building series, “The Empowerment Dynamic,” is the quickest way to stop the insidious drama often brought on by misunderstanding DiSC® styles or undermining team and individual behaviors.


Individuals will build an awareness of what triggers their drama and learn how to replace it with empowering ways of relating and responding to others. 


Applying this tool can truly get your team back to work.

We've got the playbook!
Teams can get rid of victim, rescuer, and persecutor mentalities once and for all.
If you want your team more productive and your clients and customers happy; this is the team building for you!
Image by Christina @


Training and Team Building

  • Pickleball refresher

  • Introduction to The Empowerment Dynamic

  • Problem-solving using The Empowerment Dynamic while playing pickleball

  • Open coaching


Book Your Pickleball Team Building Today With

*Team size will influence the actual layout of the day and pricing

A Training Day Session


Pickleball is... super social and fun... we were able to pick up on each other's communication styles while... responding accordingly with emotional intelligence.

Kate Burt, Marketing Associate, LVW Advisors, August 2021

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Part 3


Increase Emotional Intelligence in Teams
Part 3
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A day of immersive emotional intelligence training accompanied by loads of pickleball fun.

Relevant Team Play |  Discussion  |  Practical Application

Our third and most advanced team building session in the series strategically designed to up-level your staff.


Your team will learn the four fundamental aspects of emotional intelligence and how to apply them to everyday life.


We extend  the classroom learning to the pickleball court.

The quickest way to learn a new skill is when you are having fun!

Training, Coaching, Speaking, Pickleball Team Building

Our program offers established team members the upper hand in managing emotions and drama.


Training and Team Building

A Training Day Session
  • Pickleball refresher 

  • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

  • Problem-solving using Emotional Intelligence through pickleball play 

  • Open coaching


Book Your Team Building Today With

*Team size will influence the actual layout of the day and pricing

Our Team

Meet Our Team

Pamela Cournoyer May 2022.jpeg


Leadership Development Coach,

Master Trainer of Trainers

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Onix Pro Pickleball Player,

IPTPA/PPA Certified Pickleball Instructor,

USAPA National Pickleball Champion,

US Open Pickleball Champion,

Tournament of Champions



Team Building Facilitator, 

Management Consultant



Engage Pickleball Professional 
IPTPA Director 
IFP Professional 
USAPA National Pickleball Champion



Q:   How will I estimate the cost for my team?

A:   *Team size and whether you select one or the entire series influences the actual layout of the day and pricing. For instance, in Part 1 everyone will take a DiSC® assessment, and everyone will get their own paddle and pickleball.  The more people, the more Pro's we bring in to make sure your people get the personal attention they deserve on the court.

Q:   What if we have previous DiSC® training for our team?

A:   We can start with Part II and make sure to incorporate the DiSC®  styles, however, our DiSC® training really helps people seal in the styles. Our first in the series really sets a tone for working together as a team. We offer and train on different assessments if your people have the basic DiSC® Workplace assessment, we may recommend the DiSC® Conflict assessment, an Emotional Intelligence assessment, a Sales assessment, or a Management assessment.

Q:   How far apart do you suggest we wait between team buildings?

A:   On average, we suggest every quarter. Depending upon your team and their issues, you may request more frequent or different team building training custom designed for your situation.

Q:   What if we don’t know how to find a court or facility to work with?

A:   Our Pickleball Pro's, Bonnie Williams, and Kevin Beeson are not only well connected throughout the US, they know what type of courts produce the best learning outcomes. We will help you secure the best facility for your team.

Q:   What do we do in between team building sessions?

A:   We suggest you have one of our coaches become a part of your team maintenance throughout the year to help seal in the training. If you are going to invest in your team, make sure it sticks, 

“Companies who combine coaching with training increase employee productivity over 80%.” Isn’t your team worth it?  Full article.

Q:   What if we know a Pro that could come in and help?

A:   We always welcome volunteers. Our Pro's, Bonnie Williams, and Kevin Beeson have been trained in team facilitation, DiSC® , and emotional intelligence. Most Pro’s don’t have that extra component. 

Q:   What if some of our members already have their own paddles and equipment?

A:   Excellent! That will ensure they become a resource for your team. We introduce teams with quality paddles to kindle their love of pickleball.


Your team members are welcome to bring their own paddles if they so choose. The average rule of thumb is a well-used paddle needs to be replaced every 6-months, as do court shoes. Any "old" paddle will not give the player the kind of success they want to experience in our team building.  

Q:   Why do you bring in a Pickleball Pro?

A:   Most learn pickleball independently, which works fine for them. The moment someone gets serious about improving their game, they find they must re-learn the shots. We start everyone out with the right shots to build the right habits.


It's sort of like workplace conflict - people are usually fine for the first few months at work and then trouble starts, unless they have the skills to manage the conflict, which many do not - then you start all over with a professional who charges you a lot more to learn it the second time because bad habits and poor techniques must be replaced.  


It is the same concept for anything you do, you only cry once for quality and that is what Bonnie Williams and Kevin Beeson are, pure quality.

Q:   What if we have people who cannot play for health or personal reasons?

A:   We understand that and have multiple roles non-players can take on. We don't believe in leaving anyone out of the fun!


Book Your Team Building Today With

*Team size will influence the actual layout of the day and pricing

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